Myofascial Release (Trigger Point Therapy)
VRG Certified Course.
VRG healthcare is proud to introduce a comprehensive course centered around Myofascial Release Technique (Trigger Point Therapy). Participants in this program will gain the expertise required to identify these trigger points, whether in the form of nodules or bands within the muscle tissue.
This course emphasizes the intricate skill of pinpointing trigger points, which not only elicit pain when pressed but also induce muscle fiber shortening. One of the distinguishing features of trigger points is their unique ability to cause referred pain, whereby discomfort originating from one muscle can radiate to another region.
By undertaking this course, VRG healthcare aims to equip participants with the expertise to not only excel in the field of Myofascial Release but also contribute to the optimal well-being of their patients.
Physiotherapists, Physio Interns, physio Students.
No. Of Classes - 2 days Weekend Course.
Certificate will be provided.
For further details contact VRG Health Care.