Neck pain can stem from various causes, including arthritis, disc degeneration, spinal canal narrowing, muscle inflammation, strain, or injury. Factors like age, trauma, overuse, poor posture, or conditions like arthritis can contribute to the deterioration of the bones and joints in the neck, potentially leading to disc herniation.
Chiropractic care offers a non-surgical approach to alleviate neck pain and its related symptoms. Our team of chiropractors and osteopaths assesses your entire spine, considering not only the neck (cervical) region but also the mid-back (thoracic) and lower back (lumbar) areas, as they can be interconnected. Instead of merely addressing specific symptoms, we focus on treating the entire person.
When there's excessive mobility in one joint, it can impact neighboring joints, potentially leading to disc degeneration. In cases of neck pain, hypermobility in the thoracic spine can affect the C5-C6, C6-C7, and C7-T1 areas, resulting in disc issues and radiating arm pain. Identifying and treating the area of hypermobility can target the root cause of the problem, providing a lasting solution to neck pain.
Depending on the patient's condition, our chiropractors may employ a combination of therapies, such as spinal manipulation, manual therapy, and other techniques as part of the neck pain treatment plan.
At VRG Healthcare in chennai, we offer chiropractic services that meet international standards. We have a track record of successfully treating various neck pain conditions with a 100% recovery rate. Our use of advanced technologies like high-power lasers, Integrated Matrix Therapy, IASTM, chiropractic adjusters, and osteopathic manual therapy techniques enables us to effectively address even the most challenging back pain cases.
If you or someone you know is suffering from conditions like Cervical spondylitis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Neck pain due to rheumatoid arthritis, Disc bulge, Disc protrusion, Disc herniation, Disc bulge with radiating hand pain, Cervical canal stenosis, Post-spine surgery pain, Severe neck pain requiring surgery prevention, Spine ligament injury, Cervical spine instability, or Scoliosis in or around Chennai, VRG Healthcare is here to assist you on your road to recovery. Consider trying Osteopathy, Chiropractic, and Integrated Manual Therapy to regain your best self and lead the life you desire.
To schedule an appointment, please call VRG Healthcare at +91 9962227555.